Featured Football High School 

Marble Falls football kicks off season with Midnight Madness

CAPTION: Marble Falls football head coach Keri Timmerman will direct his first training camp for the Mustangs, which begins at midnight Monday, Aug. 5, at Mustang Stadium. Staff photo by Jennifer Fierro

The official kickoff of the Marble Falls High School football team’s fall training camp happens at midnight Monday, Aug. 5, at The Corral of Mustang Stadium on the high school campus.

It’s the first time the program has hosted a midnight event. Head coach Keri Timmerman, who accepted the job in December, said the reason for the event is because coaches will have teacher in-service days that also begin Aug. 5.

So he was faced with two choices: either have an early morning practice or an afternoon session.

“We didn’t feel like we could get kids at 4:30 or 5,” he said.

While it may be challenging for the coaches the rest of that day, Timmerman believes it works best for the players.

The plan for the first practice is to work on offense first and then defense.

The coach noted attendance for Marble Falls Forge ’24, the program’s summer strength and conditioning program, was consistently good in June and July. So he anticipates the majority of the players will arrive ready to handle drills and go through base plays without any issues. And some who haven’t attended will need some help getting in shape.

“We’ll do conditioning early in the year,” he said. “Some will need a little more time to get in shape. Eighty to 90 percent were here.”

While it’s the first full-on practice for the Mustangs, Timmerman noted it’s a gathering, too. The Marble Falls Athletic Booster Club will participate, and president Shannon Roberts said she will be there to answer questions regarding the organization’s role and how to join.

The Granite Shoals Police Department also will be in attendance. Food and beverages will be available.

The Marble Falls Youth Football and Cheer organization has been invited to take the field from 11 p.m.-midnight where those players will get a glimpse of glimpse of how it feels to play under the stadium lights.

The high school cheerleaders and Starlettes also will attend.

“It’s a party for the community,” Timmerman said.

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